Generational Chainbreaker
Pitch black.
Bitter cold hitting my face.
The only sounds heard are my shoes hitting the pavement and the gasps of air… in-2-3, out-2-3, in-2-3, out-2-3.
It’s in these times my mind drifts. No music. No podcast. No distractions besides the occasional twitch in my side or myself tripping on the side walk.
In-2-3. Out-2-3. In-2-3. Out-2-3.
And this morning, the thought which comes alive in my mind is: I am a generational curse breaker. A chain breaker. I’m breaking chains… invisible chains which will not touch my kids.
It’s something I pray for constantly.
With each step forward, and each breath taken - I’m breaking chains.
In-2-3. Out-2-3. In-2-3. Out-2-3.
I’m a generational chain breaker, curse breaker. I walk a path of immense growth and impact.
If you took a beat to reflect on the rules which do not serve you, which held onto you all these years, which were placed on you…
And released them, what would be one new rule - new statement - that you would set for yourself in THIS season?
In-2-3. Out-2-3. In-2-3. Out-2-3.
Generational chain breakers… I hear you.
Grit + Gumption.
Would love to hear your new rule you are setting for yourself - if you are willing to share, click here to leave me a message >> SEND ME A NOTE <<