Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup (Low Carb Style)


one of my absolute favorite things to do is to wake up early on Saturday morning and attend a local farmer’s market. I have absolutely NO idea why exactly… it’s not like we visited lots of farmer’s markets growing up. actually, I think my first ever farmer’s market was when I living down in the West Indies.

I remember one of my friends invited me to the local market down in the metropolis of Basseterre on the island of St. Kitts. it was a small market filled with local finds, fresh fish displayed on the side walk and goat heads hanging. I was in AWE!!! and I loved every minute of it. gathering fresh coconut bread and produce I haven’t even tried before let alone known what they were… hello, bread fruit! that’s delicious.

anywho. when I moved back state-side with the hubster, one of the traditions we created was to attend local markets on the weekend… and being in Raleigh, NC I got SPOILED! they have freaking phenomenal farmer’s market in the area. each weekend, we would score delicious baked goods, herbs and spices, tea blends, pottery and produce. it was amazing… ah, memories.


when we relocated to the PNW from the deep South, I made it my goal to continue this tradition… so, the first Saturday in Northern Idaho, I packed up our family… bundled up the Gillies and headed out to the local market where I was NOT disappointed.

there was amazing venues…. mama got her some avocado toast with sprouts to snack on while the Gillies sipped fresh hot cocoa. we listened to a local bluegrass band and danced around for a tune or two. then we walked leisurely around the market and scored fresh produce (as well as local raw honey) to whip up a batch of chicken noodle soup. I mean, we were FREEZING!

we had left the delicious 90F Texas heat and stumbled into 40F chilly Northern Idaho temps. a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup was just what our souls needed. and I’ll have to say, the hubster can make a pot of SOUP like no other. it’s freaking delicious… is it because the produce is local and fresh? is it because he is a soup-wiz? or is it because I’m not making it myself? I’m not sure, maybe it’s all of those.

but here’s a glimpse of our homemade FARMER’S MARKET CHICKEN SOUP recipe, hope you love it, too.

ps. it’s also paired nicely with rustic bread (which we also scored from the local market)!


  • 1 zucchini, cut into“zoodles”... we use a ‘spiralizer’ to make these!

  • 2 chicken breasts, diced

  • 1 yellow onion, chopped

  • 4 carrots, peeled and chopped

  • 2 leeks, chopped

  • bunch of swiss chard, chopped finely

  • 6 cups of chicken broth (added points if you use chicken bone broth)

  • 1 tbsp of butter, grass-fed

  • 1 small bunch of parsley, chopped (~2 tbsp)

  • seasonings: 1tsp of turmeric, 1tsp of paprika, 1tsp of garlic powder, 1tsp of garlic salt, 1/2 tsp of tarragon, 1/2 tsp of thyme and black pepper to taste


  1. With a sauce pan on medium heat, melt the butter and sauté the onions with the leeks until soft.

  2. Add the seasonings (except black pepper) along with the diced chicken breast to the sauteéd vegetables. Cook over medium heat until chicken is cooked thoroughly, stirring occasionally.

  3. In a soup pot, add the chicken broth along with the carrots and bring the broth to a boil.

  4. Reduce to a simmer then add the chicken/sauteéd vegetable mixture. Allow this to simmer for ~15 minutes then add the “zoodles” along with the chopped swiss chard to the soup pot.

  5. Simmer again for ~10 minutes and top with black pepper.

  6. Remove from heat and serve immediately! VOILA!


Now.  I'll be real with you, here are some helpful tips which I have discovered along the way!

  • Sometimes, the zoodles take the kids a wee bit to get use to... so, if that’s the case, you can opt to use gluten free noodles.

    • When making gluten- free noodles, after boiling for the appropriate amount of time— drain the noodles in the colander then flash with cold water! This will keep the noodles from clumping together.

Whew!  That's it... now, if you try it, tag me and let me see!!! Because the more you know, the more you can grow!


alright. that’s a lot of goodness for ya… if you try the chicken noodle soup OR have a favorite soup you love, then honey bunch — drop it in the comments or shoot me a message! I’m all ears… because the more you know, the more you can grow!

love + gumption.


The Brain + Gut Health Explorer



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The quote, "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one", is one of my favorites as it celebrates the ability to be passionate about more than one thing.  A few of my passions shared on this website include: business strategy, biohacks, books and badsass endurance events. 

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