Consistent Discipline: The Secret to Crushing Goals (Even When Life Hits Hard)
Alright, Homeslice. Let’s get real. 🎯
One of my big goals this year = 100 miles in July.
It's not my first 100 miler not even the furthest distance I have tackled HOWEVER, it is the furthest mileage I'll be tackling since my body decided to turn a 180 on itself when I hit 40+.
Despite working with experts on nutrition, training, fasting, hormones and ALL the things - taking all different protocols, supplements and bloodwork/diagnostics performed. And even taking a sabbatical from training.
[ SHOCKER - I know ]
My body decided it was protecting itself by storing at least 40 pounds of weight. And when I still wouldn't listen - flare ups of hives started.
Fun times.
Where am I going with this?
Fine. Time to reign it in and focus on the story. That's when it hit me - consistent discipline.
- Not going ALL or nothing - no more GO BIG or GO HOME mentality.
- Not about changing every few months because of what "experts" were telling me.
- Not about taking drastic measures with 72 hour fasts or eliminate certain macros or only eating sardines once a week.
It was simply about consistent discipline.
Anytime I wanted to hit a goal - goal would be set with a feasible timeline - big steps would be broken into bite-size pieces and daily action taken.
It doesn't matter your mood. Your e motions. What's happening that day or what else needs to get done. Consistent action towards the goal. A small percentage - just 1% every day - forward.
And that's what I'm doing to hit this 100miler - consistent discipline with 5am (ish) training sessions - despite the cold, despite the dark, despite the time.
Put the work in - do what you said you were going to do.
When a friend told me she was in a dry spell with her business - I mentioned it wasn't because of what she was doing TODAY it is the lack of consistent discipline she had for the months leading up to today.
That's tough to hear.
Yet it is still true. No matter what goal you have for yourself - financial, business, relationships, spiritual, wellness - set the goal, give a deadline, break it down into bite-size actionable steps and take action daily.
What's the action you are taking today to reach your goal? Shoot me a DM to let me know! AND if you want to follow along my 100mi journey - FOLLOW and watch my stories for daily check-ins.
Here's to putting in the work - day in + day out.
Grit + Gumption.