mom ceo life


At least once a week some fellow mom ceo boss slips into my DMs to ask about my daily routine. It looks something like:

How do you manage homeschooling, coaching for Business By Design, running your own business, your sanity, running races, and twins?


If you’re anything like me, you love nitty-gritty details. So, here’s the full scoop, from sun up to sun down!



5-ish am:
Wake up without an alarm clock (however, we do have an old school clock set). This sounds blissful to wake up without an alarm clock; however, it's mainly because our two newfoundland puppies bound into bed asking to be taken outside for their morning walk. The time varies from 4 am to 5 am when the pups, Bernice + Buford, wake me up.

Start brewing the coffee as I grab 20oz of water with morning brain supplements to head outside with pups for grounding + hydration along with some morning sunshine (pending if the sun is up) which makes me sound like a house-plant in jammies.


Take coffee (macadamia nut milk, collagen peptides, ceylon cinnamon for those curious) and sit down with my bible + bible study work to soak up some God time. Once finished, I glance over today's itinerary... IF there's something I need to ponder/write, I make a note as I get SUCH clarity during a cardio workout!


Which brings me to what's next... my morning cardio in along with some lymphatic flow (foam rolling or rebounding). Morning cardio could be a 20min cycle on the peloton bike OR a 30-60min run pending what my endurance coach has on the docket.


7 am Work Time:
Approximately have 1 hour of writing and/or content creation. My cognitive energy is highest in the morning so I try to set time aside to get it done! Even though, I may be 'online' I try my darnedest not to pour into social media... I do tend to send three love notes of gratitude before I actually start work.


After pouring into my own work, I turn to the Business By Design Family to do some 1:1 coaching in the community.


Gillies, our twins, are finally awake and I'm able to squeeze in my morning snuggle time plus hear all about their dreams + discuss our plans for the day. This is the time we focus on daily gratitude, morning prayers and meditation along with getting in their water + supplements!


Breakfast time with the Gillies who tend to watch a bit of TV at this time. It tends to be either something educational or a devotional... we save movies for family movie night (OR if I'm being fully transparent, when mom has a coaching call in the afternoon!). Usually for breakfast, we have veggies alongside eggs + berries. Super simple.


10:30 am -1:30pm:
Homeschool begins and phone is set on do not disturb! We tend to have snacks + movement breaks every 45 minutes to keep us energized and the blood flowing!



This is the time, Gillies are set with an art or science project with a movie playing so that I can hop on a coaching calls! I absolutely LOVE having afternoon calls; however, there are a few clients (due to time differences) I have earlier calls scheduled and if that is the case, we simply switch the blocks of homeschooling with coaching calls!


Get dinner on the stove to simmer... as we bust out our afternoon physical activity! Sometimes this means family workout (and mom's weight training) or bike ride around the park.



This time, we set aside four days a week to do physical therapy on one of the Gillies. While we are doing physical therapy, his sister tends to break out her arts/crafts kit to do a sewing project or paint which he is thrilled about because crafts are not his favorite! So it's a WIN-WIN!


Family dinner time followed by curling up altogether with our own book to read for at least 30 minutes. The hubster loves to spoil the Gillies with a book each time they complete one, so it's become a challenge for them to read a book a week!


Full mom mode as we get the Gillies ready for bed... baths, bible reading and bed time story. We are currently reading ALL of the Roald Dahl's books (spoiler alert: he was my fave growing up!). Afterwards, I tend to turn down the thermometer and set the tone of the house for "sleepy time".



After my own shower/bathroom routine, I snag my evening supplements with a spoonful of manuka honey to aid in sleeping. Then it's book time for me. I try to read THREE things before bed each taking about 20 minutes: bible verse, book for learning and then a fantasy novel.   *If you need recommendations for books, I'm your gal*


And that wraps it up!

What does your day look like? Similar? Very different?  


Don't leave me on a cliff-hanger, tell me all the nitty-gritty details of YOUR daily schedule... as maybe there's something YOU are doing which will inspire ME or someone else!  You can join in on the conversation HERE in our FREE Biohacker Babe Community.


Until then...

Grit + Gumption.



Biohacker Babe







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The quote, "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one", is one of my favorites as it celebrates the ability to be passionate about more than one thing.  A few of my passions shared on this website include: business strategy, biohacks, books and badsass endurance events. 

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Sunday afternoons are the perfect time to snuggle up with a beverage, sunshine on your face and dive into our weekly note - the intention to motivate and/or inspire you for the upcoming week (sprinkled, always, with a dash of humor).
