Feed Your Mind… with Books

my hubster has this amazing ability to spit out truth bombs when you least expect it. or want it.
and the other day, we were talking about the goals we set for the upcoming month when insert his truth bomb.
“love. if you want to serve others, you need to stay up on your material. consider reading a new book every few weeks to staying in the ‘know’”
{ boom }
and he is so true. however, being a working relief veterinarian with twin 5yr olds who we currently homeschool (see the keyword: currently) and provide daily physical therapy + run a brain + gut health business from home... WHEN am I suppose to find time to read?
and then it hit me.
if it's important to me. I will find the time and by finding time meant giving up on my Netflix series binge watching which currently is Eureka (yes, you can judge me a wee bit).
you should also know, I hold a "GO BIG or GO HOME" personality type. so. I reduced my Netflix subscription to simply "streaming" + sat down to form my list of books I wanted to read.
here’s a list of books which are currently on my list to read…
Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
Own the Day, Own Your Life by Aubrey Marcus
The Rain Barrel Effect by Dr. Stephen Cabral
Rich B*tch by Nicole Lapin
E Squared by Pam Grout
Eat Dirt by Dr. Josh Axe
Fervent by Priscilla Shirer
A Tribe Called Bliss by Lori Harder
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*uck by Mark Manson
the list goes on, but there’s a start. if you have any books YOU recommend, love, shoot them this way… I love reading books to keep me on my toes: nutritional based, medical, personal development, entrepreneurial or even biographies. got one that I should read? shoot me an email or jot it down below in comments.
because the more you know, the more you can grow.
alright, loves.
that’s all I have for you this week. if you want to follow our crazy adventures more, I go a wee bit deeper in our Brain + Gut Health Explorers community. otherwise, stay in the loop with snippets here where I’ll share next week some of our favorite recipes and workouts that I’m following to keep mama sane and the MFP (mama-fanny-pack) at bay!
love + gumption.
Brain + Gut Health Explorer