Focusing on Self-Care with HERBAL TEA BATHS

Have you noticed there is so much wisdom from those flight attendant’s safety videos? Make sure to know where the exits are BEFORE an emergency hits. Figure out how life-saving tools work BEFORE you need them. And place your oxygen mask on BEFORE helping others, otherwise, you’ll pass out before helping anyone.
It’s crazy how much wisdom is in those videos and I’ll be honest it wasn’t until a dear friend told me to “put my own mask on FIRST” otherwise, I wasn’t helping anyone that it dawned on me — the truth in the airplane safety videos.
Actually, the friend said something a wee bit more clever and insightful…
“You simply can not adequately take care of others, if you are not FIRST caring for yourself... fully.”
As an emergency veterinarian, twin mama bear, wifey and wellness coach hosting a FREE community (Brain + Gut Health Explorers), I definitely felt MY OWN wellness had fell to the sidelines. And I’m not talking about eating well and working out… I’m talking about TAKING CARE OF ME with self-care!
And taking care of YOU may look so much different to the next person, but that’s the beauty of things, right? You discover what works for you… which may be: an epsom salt bath, a weekly massage (not jealous at all), a girl’s night out a month, getting lost in a new book or even taking a break with a foot massage after a hard shift at work.
You find a way to take care of YOU love… put that oxygen mask on FIRST, am I right? And that’s what I had to learn how to do… explore ways to take care of me. I recently found out journaling was NOT for me… because I get so ANGRY writing out everything, it’s like my hands can’t keep up with the ideas and thoughts running through my mind and I get cramps in my hands- HA! So pathetic but true.
I also discovered that reading a book that I am interested in is FANTASTIC and I love to read; however, I’ll get so involved in the story that I’ll actually stay up ALL NIGHT to finish the book… then I’m exhausted the next day and a wee bit cranky. So, reading a book for “pleasure” is to be saved for road trips as audio-books or for vacation. Just being honest.
That’s how I discovered herbal tea baths… it was something I can whip up in my kitchen and enjoy at the end of a long stressful day. Honestly, herbal tea baths were not something I was familiar with… I came across a recipe for them in an old magazine which I jotted down once and stored away. It wasn’t until the hubster mentioned I should try an epsom salt soak to help relieve muscle tension and stress… that herbal tea baths popped back into my memory.
Believe the recipe came from a Willow and Sage Magazine
Dead Sea Salt: may increase circulation, help reduce stress and support a good night’s sleep.
Epsom Salt: may provide magnesium, aid in a good night’s sleep and reduce inflammation.
Dried Lavender: I absolutely love lavender and feel it helps reduce my stress levels.
Dried Rose Hips: Recently, I read rose hips helps topically with stress marks… is it true? Um, not sure but HELLO, I’ll try it!
Rose Essential Oil: may support cell and tissue regeneration which helps maintain skin’s elasticity, plus reduces the appearance of stretch marks as mentioned before.
If you are pregnant, suffering from any medical condition, or taking medication, please consult a health care practitioner before using.
If irritation occurs, discontinue use.
Keep away from eyes.
For external use only – do not ingest.
The product information is for educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Now, I grabbed all of these ingredients at a local health market; however, if you want to snag your own herbal tea bath like the one I’m using — but don’t have the time to whip it up yourself… then I’ve got you covered!
Here are a few links to discover the amazing benefits of herbal tea baths as well as the other ingredients this recipe calls for…
“Be good to your skin, love. You’ll be wearing it every single day for the rest of your life.”
The focus of this week is taking a beat to focus on self-care… and really understanding how the products I use can either heal or harm me. This week, I focused on indulging in a weekly herbal tea bath and shared with you a recipe! There are several other recipes out there, discover ONE that might be right for you!!! Anywho. You can follow along on my wellness journey, here.
You’ll be able to check out my numbers- YIKES! But even though, I am opening up to showing the scale… realize what’s MORE important are the NON-scale victories.
Now. You know the breakdown of the herbal tea bath and some of the benefits of the ingredients! Plus, it’s one of my favorite ways to splurge and give myself a wee bit of love! Putting your oxygen mask on first (or self-care) is one of the things I stress about in our community, NO BRAINERS. So, it should be NO SURPRISE that beauty products and self-care tips is our focus in our March Issue of NO BRAINERS!
Make sure to snag your copy of NO BRAINERS and get in our community to dive deeper into ways YOU can give yourself some extra care this year!
If you are looking for a glimpse of the products more one-on-one… then scroll down below to see the ingredients and just how much I used in the recipe. Please note, I snagged all our ingredients in a local health market… and I wanted to tag links where you can purchase; however, I haven’t tried this products online so I didn’t share links! You can search AMAZON for brands you trust or try out your local health market, too. Just do your research and support companies you can trust!