Two Powerful Words... "I AM"




I am…

I am statements. We have all heard before that the expression “I am” is a crucial element of an affirmation statement as it reinforces the notion that the statement holds validity for the person uttering it.

By stating “I am,” we affirm our identity and reinforce optimistic beliefs regarding ourselves.

It is a small part of my morning practice AND a coach of mine even suggested awhile back to not just say these statements out loud but also in front of a mirror.

As part of my journey to share openly with you, listed below are my “I am” statements.

The intention is, perhaps, to inspire you to create your own. To voice them out loud every morning. To speak them in existence while staring at yourself in a mirror.

I am… own it.

If you’d like to share one of yours with me - HECK YES - just shoot a voice note in my DMs - you can do the later >> HERE << .

Now, if you are more personal and want to titty-your “I am” statements, mums the word.



  • I am a child of God (I John 3:1) and am filled with joy because Christ is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10).
  • I am the co-creator of an epic love story with the hubster - being an exceptional wife who is loving, supportive and his best friend.
  • I am an exceptional mom to our Gillies creating a safe childhood filled with love, laughter and adventures.
  • I am silent, patiently listening to learn and absorb knowledge from others, yet able to speak fiercely when need be.
  • I am able to solve any obstacle placed in my path with grace, humility, patience and humor.
  • I am healthy and healed, using my legs every day to their maximum ability having never taken the ability to use them for granted.
  • I am not afraid for I am His - serving those around me in His name. (Isiah 43:1).
  • I am a generational chain breaker - breaking chains of, well, no need to air out ALL the dirty laundry out on the interwebby. I know what these chains are.
  • I am able to find JOY in the mundane tasks. 



This is me. I am…

Grit + Gumption.




There's only two currencies in life:  time and energy. We may not be able to generate more time, but you certainly can generate more energy.  Let me show you how!


The quote, "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one", is one of my favorites as it celebrates the ability to be passionate about more than one thing.  A few of my passions shared on this website include: business strategy, biohacks, books and badsass endurance events. 

Get the Weekly Note

Sunday afternoons are the perfect time to snuggle up with a beverage, sunshine on your face and dive into our weekly note - the intention to motivate and/or inspire you for the upcoming week (sprinkled, always, with a dash of humor).
