[HACK]: Sunshine + Grounding for Amazing Energy

Just wanted to share with you, love this quick daily morning habit or “biohack” I started awhile back and started to see amazing benefits from... because it’s super easy to do PLUS cost absolutely nothing except a few minutes of your time. Here goes:
DAILY MORNING BIOHACK: grounding in the sunshine while saying my morning “I am” manifestation statements.
Say that one ten times fast... (I’ll wait)... tricky wasn’t it.
Here is the thing, there’s only two things I can control: my actions and my effort. Nothing else. And one thing I noticed is when I speak affirmations out loud in the sunshine while my feet in the soil... I have TREMENDOUS energy throughout the day which contributes BOTH to my actions + my efforts!
Maybe it’s just ONE of those items which helps like the Vitamin D from the sunshine OR maybe it’s the grounding (with feet in the soil) and the release of positive ions in my body.
Maybe it’s the “I am” statements and the positive affirmations I am claiming which puts an internal shift in my mood. WHO KNOWS?
Just doing this combination of things (even in the snow which we are currently having in Northern Idaho)... maybe there’s some ”Wim Hof Method” of goodness to this as well in the cold.
I just know that after just ten minutes of doing this small action step, I feel FULLY energized with my heart full of joy and I’m ready to tackle the day.
A day full of homeschooling, physical therapy sessions, ninja classes in my living room and more home cooked meals than an episode of Julia Childs on PBS.
And I wanted to share this with YOU, love because maybe you can join me tomorrow morning for a quick 10 minutes outside... feet in soil... sunshine on the face... and words of affirmation spoken from your lips.
If you do try it, I’d love to hear how you are felt afterwards... and if it’s something YOU are willing to incorporate into your day-to-day— shoot me a DM or join the conversation in our FREE COMMUNITY. You can join by clicking >> HERE <<.
Grit + Gumption.
P.S. If you are wanting to learn more about BIOHACKING and explore which biohacks may help you increase your efficiency with time + energy... then learn more about our Biohacker Babe Academy!